Thursday, August 02, 2007


Maybe it is just me aging and not giving a shit anymore...but I honestly have to say that I dislike 9 out of every 10 people I come across. What happened to the Charlie of old? I used to LOVE everyone and go out of my way for I only do it for a VERY select few.

I remember when I was in my early 20's...I was a naive young man who thought everyone was looking out for me. I saw the best in everyone. I guess I was about 22 or so when I had a conversation with the father of a girl I was dating at the time. Ralph was a big shot on Wall Street who was the most cynical bastard you'd ever meet. Anyway, he hated just about everyone. For some reason, he took a liking to me. He'd invite me over for dinner almost every night because he enjoyed my humor and I used to make everyone in the house laugh. Being that my girlfriend's mom was dying of breast cancer...the humor broke up the sadness in the house. Anyway...we'd sit and have a beer or two and talk about the world around us. I remember him telling me how naive I was, how I thought everyone was looking out for me and how I thought those around me had my best interests in mind. He told me flat out that most people I would deal with and come across in my life would be looking out for themselves and really not give a shit about me. I laughed at him and told him to lighten up...that he was a pessimist. Looking back...this guy was dead on.

In many ways, I wish I was still that naive 22 year old. I kind of lived in my own little world and really wasn't exposed to bitter, selfish, and miserable people. Either that....or they were around me, but I had my head up my ass. Let's face it, at 22 all you think about is getting laid and making enough money to pay your bills, having enough left over to hang with your friends.

My biggest issue today is that I expect people to think the way I think...and it never happens. I am talking about logical ways of thinking, unselfish ways of thinking. Before I do something at home or work...I think of how it will affect others.....many people don't think that way. Let me give you some examples....

One of my roommates is home ALL day...she is a teacher and has the summer off. So, instead of doing her laundry during the day when nobody is home...she waits until night time when me and the other roommate need to do ours. WHY????? Either that or she will START her laundry....load up the washer and dryer...then go out.....leaving both machines useless to the both of us. I know, some of you may be thinking this is petty....but it is just a small example of how people think.....or don't think...of anyone but themselves. This is the same person who sits and does "pilates" on the living room floor for 30 minutes to "lose weight" then when she is finished cooks herself a Hee-Man breakfast consisting of eggs, sausage, and cheese.

I come across this behavior at work, at the supermarket, at home, everywhere.

What about the fucking idiots who stand in the entrance of a store rummaging through their purses for coupons, or reading the weekly sale flyer? Wouldn't logic or simple consideration for others tell them that the main entrance to the store may not be a good place to do maybe pull off to the side so others can pass through? It is the same moron who hasn't discovered the debit card yet. They would rather write a check....and not start filling it out until the groceries are packed and loaded in the cart while the line behind them goes from two people to ten people. I guess they are in no hurry to get home to play their 8-tracks while their TV dinner cooks for 2 hours in the "conventional oven."

At work....people will do ANYTHING to get something off their desk and on to someone else's. They do their job with no concern of how their actions will affect other people and other departments. They just want to be rid of something. Their favorite "button" is the "forward" button..that's all they do...forward emails originally sent to them that need action...they are even too fucking lazy to write any text of their own explaining what it is they want you to do...instead these cocksuckers expect you to read a ten page email trail starting at the very bottom.....

Don't get me wrong....I am happy with my life. I have a great relationship, a crazy, but wonderful dog, my finances are the best they have been in years, I am back in pretty good physical shape, and I enjoy my down time. But I really don't like many of the people I am exposed to daily......I hate the lack of logical thought or lack of consideration for others.....

So today....I am starting the "KISS MY ASS CLUB" and each week I will be inducting someone new into this club.

This week's inductee: My roommate Michelle.


Molly said...

You are only inducting one person per week? What restraint, I think I could induct them by the dozens *laugh*

Have a good weekend.

Darcey said...

I'm going to say KMA to the next person who judges me because I choose to pole dance for fitness. In a dance studio. Clothed. Not for money.

Just because women make money off of horny guys while doing it doesn't make it excellent exercise.

Lisa said...

Oh my the KMA club. I know that very well too. The laundry thing would piss me off too. I agree she should do it when no one is home. And the people in the supermarket I hate when they just stop in the middle instead of pulling over. They probably are bad drivers too.
Although you do have me beat with the 9 out of 10. Maybe once on awhile but that's too much too.

Fizzgig said...

I like the way you think! It's right up my alley! I'm the same way! have some respect for others! I think that's why old people are such assholes most of the time.
I think when I'm 80 I'll probably be pretty crochity too!

Anonymous said...

i love this idea! lol.

Vixen said...

I find the older I get the more cynical I get and therefore tend to see the bad in people before the good and I'm sure there is both in most people. I just think it's hard to see nowadays...