Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Speed Dial

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I spend a good portion of my work day on the phone. My job involves contacting companies to negotiate prices, place orders, follow up on lead times, etc. On a daily basis I come across dozens of phone messages/menus. The one I heard today cracked me up.

It said "If you are calling from a touch tone phone press one now, rotary phone customers please stay on the line or visit our website at

Now first of all, who still has a rotary phone as their primary phone? Some dude in a trailer park in Arkansas who also still has a 13" black and white TV with rabbit ears? Does the one person in maybe 500,000 people who call from a rotary phone warrant a special instructional message?

The thing that made me laugh the most was the fact that this company actually thinks the person calling from the rotary phone also has a computer and internet access to visit their website!!!!! I doubt they are out of the ATARI 2600 stage! I just had to share this......


Christie E. Little said...

You have officially stumped me.

I do remember my grandma's mustard yellow dial phone with the stretched out cord. so long ago. Once again..I've aged myself.

Miao 妙 said...

My job is totally devoid of laughter. Oh I am envious of you.

Just passing by.


Fizzgig said...

Some old folks will never come out of the stone age. Maybe they have a grandkid with internet? Anyway's I blame old people, their easy scapegoats.

supplymadam said...

Rotary phones. How ancient. I remember feeling stranded when on the phone because you couldn't go any further than the cord would stretch. How did I live like that?

The Diva ♥ said...

i think they are thinking of poor old grandmoms whose children haven't brought them a descent phone yet. miss ya :)
my web addy has change
the old one goes to some gay porn site yikes!

Heather said...

I have been trying to post a comment to this for about a week. Perhaps I'll have success this time...

I don't even have cable and this internet that I'm on right now...? It's totally mooched.

I have gone back in time technologically speaking...