I truly can't believe 2008 is over. It went so fast. Honestly, where did this DECADE go? It seems like yesterday that we were all worrying about Y2K and ringing in a New Millenium. I am hoping 2009 is a great year for all of us. We have a new President who gives us a lot of hope. Let's all pray he lives up to what he promised us during the campaign, God knows we need it!
2008 was a very different year for me. Full of highs and lows. I must say, a lot more highs than lows. I got engaged, moved into a new home with Jen, started planning a wedding, and a lot of other great stuff. As I sit here with 31 hours left in the year, I am thankful for a lot.
I am thankful for Jen. She is an amazing person...anyone who can put up with me for this long, and under the same roof, must be great. She has made my life a lot more complete and I am excited about our wedding, but more so, about our marriage and life together.
I am thankful for the new friends I've made this year. Our neighbors are truly great people. We all look out for each other, get along so well, and enjoy each other's company so much. I am glad we picked this house, not only beacuse the house is great, but mostly because of the friends we have made.
I am thankful that I got the opportunity, through Facebook, to reconnect with dozens of people I had lost touch with over the years. I look forward to getting together with many of them in 2009 and catching up. I am also thankful for the people I've kept in touch with over the years, my friends. Vito and Margaret, Supplymadam (Lisa), Amy, and so many more people. Although I don't get to see everyone as much as I'd like, keeping in touch by email, phone, etc means a lot to me.
I am thankful for our pets. As much as they drive us crazy, we love them. To think Bruce was just two days away from death in 2005, and the fact that he is living a full, happy life with us makes me so happy.
I am thankful for the 20 years I knew Kevin Farley. Although we lost him this year, I have the greatest memories of him. He was a great influence in my life and he will never ever be forgotten. In a world full fo people who are "fake" and poor role models, Kevin was genuine, down to earth, and a true role model. He treated people so well and made a difference. The world needs more of that.
Family. Although my Mom still drives me a little nuts, even from North Carolina, I am glad our relationship is solid again. I am glad I got to see her and my Brother a couple of times this year. Brian is the best. I am also thankful for Jen's family. From the beginning, they have made me feel like part of their family...even before the engagement. I love spending time with them.
I truly hope that 2009 is a great year for all of us individually, and as a country. Let's all make the most of it!