Ok, so I think this picture I took on the train Saturday Night is hysterical. Two girls (you can only see one) drinking (or in this case, holding) Red Bulls, completely passed out. I am sure the Red Bull competitors would love to use this pic. This is my kind of humor, for sure.
So Christmas was good, but quiet. Weird with the family so far away, but still a nice holiday, complete with cooking and friends. I made a ton of food. Baked Ziti, homemade sauce, meatballs, sausage (Sugar V's favorite), and Bracciole, for Christmas Day. Christmas Eve I cooked flounder. I had to keep the tradition going. Not to mention all the Italian cold cuts, cheeses, breads, pastries, and cookies I waited so patiently in line for on Sunday.
Thursday Night I am having Caren over along with Christina and Joe for dinner. I have a tray of ziti and a ton of meat left that I froze. We will be sure to have a post holiday feast. I wish Sugar V and the Mrs. were in NY to share it, but they are off In Chitown.....we miss them!
So, for New Years, I am NOT having a party at my house for the first time in a while. Sugar V is having Caren and I over...and maybe a few others. It is sure to be a fun night. I am looking forward to it. Even more so than I was looking forward to Christmas. There's nothing like starting the New Year off with the people you really care about. And a kiss from Caren at the stroke of midnight won't hurt either. :)
I was flipping around the channels early yesterday and I can't believe they still show the "yule log" on TV. What a mess that thing is. You seriously have to be hard pressed for something to "watch" to put that on.....
Is it me, or are you tired of holiday music? If I hear one more Christmas song, I may snap. I seriously had to play gangsta rap in the car today to get all the holiday "cheer" out of my system. I can now go back to being the cynical bastard I am the rest of the year......
The city was great on Saturday Night. It felt like a mid-October night rather than the day before Christmas Eve. Caren and I walked the city and loved every minute of it. We found some cool gifts for Sugar V and the Mrs., to give them on New Years Eve. We tried a new restaurant in Little Italy, we liked it, but missed Vincents. We had dessert at Ferrara's, got me a "Dominick the Italian Christmas Donkey T-Shirt" at a novelty store in Little Italy, then found a place that sold designer handbags and stopped in. We were led to a secret back door in the back of the building where there were dozens of Gucci, Prada, and other designer bags. I am sure these were hijacked off a truck or a plane, but the price was good, so Caren got a bag and a wallet. That made her night for sure.......
So, how was your Christmas...and what is everyone doing for New Years?????