Saturday, September 13, 2008

I Laughed and Laughed, and Laughed Some More

Hit the stop button on my music to the left....and click on this video.....hahahaha


ThursdayNext said...

Its ok...he has Palin who is so smart (see interview with Charlie Gibson) to send emails for him. ;)

*Maureen Dowd pretty much alluded that Palin was as dumb as W - if not dumber- in her great NYT op-ed piece today...Go MO!*

supplymadam said...
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supplymadam said...
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Christie E. Little said...

OMG...Totally forgot to ask for pics of the ring. NOw..I'm guessing the House could be an engagement house rather than having an enagement ring, but then I'm thinking ....there has to be a ring. So get that hand of hers in front of a camera and take a picture! Congratulations!!!!!!!! Happy Wedding Planning. soon as we were on our honeymoon like the first 15 minutes we decided if we could do it again it would be smaller on a beach....and I would have drank much less at the rehearsal dinner. :)
Oh and I'm hoping you're not staying home in Nov. I even have my Lt Col USMC hubby voting Obama.I only have Obama Mama Tshirts left to pass out..not thinking it would look cute on your and Jen's not a mama yet, so not bribing there. :