You can wave your flags all you want and have blind patriotism, but there is NO disputing that the United States of America is now the laughing stock of the world.
Back in 2001 Osama Bin Laden said his objective was to not only kill Americans, but bankrupt our economy. Well, what the terrorists failed to do, we managed to do to ourselves through pure greed, corruption, poor leadership, and mismanagement.
What has happened over the last few weeks, and the last 7 years for that matter, is an absolute disgrace.
Now this big bailout deal is being worked out. It was close to being worked out until McCain landed in Washington. Because his campaign is in shambles, he had to pull a stunt like this. Perhaps David Blaine should take lessons from McCain when it comes to stunts, because McCain's stunt this week was much craftier than Blaine's.
With 38 days left until election day, he should show up at the debate tonight. We need to hear where he stands on the issues. He needs to talk to us, and he needs to allow that puppet he chose as his VP to talk to the press unscripted. After almost 8 years of disgrace, we, the American people, deserve better.