Monday, March 12, 2007

March Madness!!!

How did this happen? I went from blogging daily, sometimes twice a day to........once a month???

Anyway, I've taken the last few months off to regroup and get some things squared away. The next few weeks will be a fun transition. I used to be very afraid of change, but now I kind of welcome it.

Since May of last year, you all may have noticed that my blogging has slowly dwindled. Sometimes we put ourselves around people that drain our creatvity and who don't motivate us. Well, that I can assure you is long over. I am back with a vengeance, a new blog address, and I want to get back to the comedic writing I did for over a year when this silly thing first started.....I am back. I guess this song sums it up.....


supplymadam said...

Welcome back. Looking forward to more of your hilarious posts!

Heather said...

I've tried leaving comments, I've tried texting...

Can't seem to get through to you, Yankee Boy.

Glad you're back though.

And by the way, what happened to coming back to blogging...this post was from Monday and it's now Friday...?

Fizzgig said...

yaaaay! I can totally relate!

Heather said...


Are you there?

Tell me more about this job... I'm interested.