Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Another Amendment?

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So, now that gas prices are $3.50 a gallon, Iraq is in total chaos, our soldiers are perishing by the dozen, Osama is still on the loose, the gap between the rich and the poor is growing, and about 20 other things that really need the attention of our government, the President is back on his No Gay Marriage Amendment crusade. What the fuck is wrong with him and these religious nuts?

I say if you are a man and you don't like to suck cock, then don't. If you are a woman that does not like the taste of another woman's pussy, then don't lick one. But for God's sake, go about your own business and let others do what they want to do. Do we really need a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT that bans gay marriage? I don't think so.

I am sure our founding fathers would be proud. Can you picture this fine document with something so foolish added to it? Amendments that abolished slavery, gave women the right to vote, gave us the right to free speech, voting ages set, etc...then all of a sudden you scroll down and read "No man shall suck another man's cock and be married to him nor shall two women bang each other with toys in the privacy of their own home." Come on already. The country is beyond fucked with all the real problems, let's worry about fixing our fuck-ups rather than worrying about who's fucking who.

You want some new amendments? Start with limiting campaign contributions. Stop these corporations from buying our Presidents into office. Want another Amendment? Require an IQ test for every Presidential candidate. Lord knows we needed an IQ test back in 2000. Want another one? Make English the official language of our country and spare me the 20 menu choices when I make a phone call or go to take a $20 out of an ATM. I could go on and on, and I'd love to hear your proposed Amendments, but the gay marriage issue needs to stop....today!


ThursdayNext said...

My Proposed Amendment:
The President and presidential candidates MUST write his/her own speeches. That would really highlight the person's intellect.

You think Abe Lincoln had speech writers? Ha. His speech writers were his big hand, big brain, and big heart. ;)

Anonymous said...

Amen, brother!

R said...

HERE, HERE! (100X OVER) I am so sick and tired of the issues that Bush decides to fight for. I couldn't agree with you more!

You should be required to have brains to run the nation, so I too vote for an IQ test during the presidential campaigns!

Fizzgig said...

He's desperate for support of the conservatives. Does it really matter at this point? My amendment would be that if you want to sue someone for some stupid bullshit reason you need to have a petition with 10,000 other people who are offended by the same damn thing.

Panthergirl said...

How about an amendment that prevents the president from starting a war by killing 3000 people in NYC?

If you haven't seen the film "Loose Change", Google it and watch it. It will be the most iincredible, depressing, angering hour and 20 minutes you'll ever spend.