No matter how famous you are, or how much you've contributed to mankind, when you pass on, life for everyone else goes on. Time keeps on going and the sun rises the next day regardless. It is kind of strange how we can be here one day and gone the next.
Personally, I am not afraid of death. I am more afraid of not living and fulfilling my purpose on the earth before I go. Some people know their purpose at a young age, some find it later on, others never discover their purpose.
Artists, musicians, actors, athletes, and people of that nature seem to live on after they die. Beethoven, for example, passed away in 1827, yet when we play his music, he somehow lives on. When we look at a DaVinci masterpiece he lives on despite passing away in 1519...almost 500 years ago. Babe Ruth died in 1948, but he lives on in film footage and the baseball record books. All these people left something behind for all of us and in a way, they are immortal because of the great work or great deeds they did when they were alive.
I have yet another birthday in two weeks, and even though I am still young, I wonder what it is I will leave behind. What will my "legacy" be? If it is this blog, I am in deep shit, huh? One hundred years from now, I doubt anyone will come across this website and think a genius wrote it.
I hope my deeds will somehow be remembered by those I have touched. My problem all my life is trying to make everyone happy even if I wasn't. It really bothers me and stays with me when I hurt someone else, or I disappoint them, but it's part of life I suppose. It has always been a tough thing for me to deal with, and I have had a difficult time saying no to people even though I have wanted to. Then when I finally do say no, or do what I want to do and I upset or hurt someone, it stays with me for a long time. I suppose I worry too much about being remembered in a positive light by people that have come in and out of my life. Crazy, huh?
What do you think your legacy will be, what will you leave behind for the rest of us?