Perhaps it is just me, but throughout the course of the day, I make a mental list of things I would change if I were in charge or "king for a day." There are so many rules, laws, procedures, and policies we all have to follow. Some are religious "rules", while some are governmental laws. I have a few I just don't like and want to change!
1) Daylight Savings Time. While I am ALL FOR "springing ahead" which gives us daylight later in the day....why should we have to push the clocks ahead on a Saturday Night/Sunday Morning at 2AM and lose an hour of sleep/an hour of the weekend. I say we do it on a Friday at 4PM. 4PM, then becomes 5PM, and we get to leave the office "early" and it does not interrupt our sleep or cut short our weekend!
2) Election Day on a Tuesday. This is just ridiculous and OUTDATED!!!!Back in "the day", since most residents of rural America had to travel a significant distance to the "county seat" in order to vote, Monday was not considered reasonable since many people would need to begin travel on Sunday. This would, of course, have conflicted with Church services and Sunday worship. So, Tuesday was picked as "voting day." I think for a better turnout and convenience, elections should be held on Saturday.
3) The Electoral College. What a joke...just ask Al Gore. The highest number of total votes should win the election. When you were a kid in kindergarten and the election for "line leader" was held and Jane got 6 votes, and Bobby got 4....Jane was the line leader, not didn't go by where each kid sat in the classroom. Ok, Mike....since you sit near the Lego's.....your vote counts as three people...and sit by the your vote only counts as .5! Come on already, this needs to change!!!!!
4) The Right to Keep and Bear Arms! I would guarantee that if our forefathers were alive today to witness school shooting after school shooting and gun crime after gun crime....they would reconsider this "right". I think it is outdated. We have a military to protect us.....we don't need guns in our homes. I know, I know...the Amendment was designed to protect us against our government becoming tyrannical and taking away our rights......wait...isn't that what has happened over the last seven years? I don't see folks gathering their weapons and marching towards Washington!!!
5) Income Tax Structure. What the fuck? Just charge us all a set percentage and be done with it. No more filing, getting refunds, owing money, claiming this, claiming your dog.....just pay a set percentage of your income and be done with it.