Thursday, July 27, 2006

Thursday Randomness

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Did Lance Bass of N'SYNC really need to "come out" and tell us he was gay? Wasn't this pretty obvious? That's like Ike Turner holding a press conference that he did indeed beat Tina or O.J. admitting he killed his wife and Ron Goldman. No shit Sherlock.

You know what annoys me a bit? Songs that don't mention the title of the song in the lyrics, or maybe just mention it once. Why? I heard "Yellow Ledbetter" by Pearl Jam today. A song I enjoyed back in the early 90's. What the fuck does Yellow Ledbetter have to do with the song lyrics? "Summer Highland Falls" by Billy Joel is another one. A great song, but "Summer Highland Falls" is never mentioned or even referred to.

It is amazing what odds and ends in the house can do for you. I totally ghetto rigged my living room a/c. The a/c was way small for the width of the window and it did not have the flap extenders to fill the space on both sides of the a/c. So, I pushed it to one side, stuck a clipboard in there and packing taped the shit out of it. It is quite stylish. This decor just may show up on one of these home makover shows and catch on nationwide.

How do you throw out a garbage can out? How does the garbageman known you want to get rid of it? Do you leave a note?

They should have a small refrigerated compartment in the trunk of all cars to put your cold stuff in after food shopping until you get home, especially on hot summer days.

Why do dogs smell each others asses upon meeting? Imagine someone new in the office starting, you get introduced and instead of shaking her hand, you sniff her ass. Actually Sugar V would love that.

Never get drunk on a Monday Night. You are in for a long week if you do. Take it from me! "One drink" led to 5 at the house, then 4 more and 2 shots at "The Inn" across the street. Oh boy. Bad C-Mac.

Ann Coulter said Bill Clinton is a homosexual. WHAT???? That man has had more FEMALE ass than a toilet seat in the ladies room at Macy's during a one day sale extravaganza.

The solution to this whole Hezbollah crisis, get those fuckers cable television. One glimpse of Jessica Simpson shaking her ass, a couple of on demand porn flicks, and a few "Real World" episodes and these crazy mother fuckers would love westernization and be too occupied to hate anyone. Let's pipe that shit right into Southern Lebanon. Crisis over!

Have a great Thursday! :)


ThursdayNext said...

Glad to hear that you are kicking summer up a notch and partying it up on a weeknight! I hope it was fun boozing and friendly company, Chaz!

The line about the Macy's toilet seats had me laughing so hard it hurt! :) You are a master of similes.

Vixen said...

When did Lance come out? Missed that...though I have to say I only ever liked Justin anyway.

I think your cable TV solution is excellent...hilarious...but may work!

HipChick said...

LOL... yeah givem' some on demand!

supplymadam said...

Stop it you're killing me!
I like that refrigerated trunk dea.
I usually bring my cooler with me so I can make a few more stops before having to get the "cold stuff away."
I never met a problem porn couldn't fix. Good one!

Peanutt said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!! I just can't get over the whole garbage can thing....really, how do you throw one out?

Heather said...

The new Dodge Caliber has refrigerated space in the dashboard... FYI...

Drunk on Monday is dangerous!!! I've didn't drink on Monday and I've been drunk every night since! Leaving town makes people want to buy you cocktails... I should leave town more often....

afromabq said...

why does anyone need to "come out." if you're gay, you're gay. soooo annoying. ghetto rigging is awesome! you could start your own show on hgtv...maybe call it "ghetto chic!" :)

Fizzgig said...

yea, shocker about lance!
I too, sport the bold look of cardboard around the a/c, stuck with packing tape! My windows slide, so its turned sideways and the whole top is cardboard. I opted for a nice brown, wax covered box from work, that we ship our plants in. Keeps out the moisture. I think I should get an advertising fee, as I'm sporting the company name in my window!

to throw out a garbage can, you write on the can PLEASE TAKE CAN works for me! Now I pay for THEIR can, so I dont hav that problem.