Thursday, August 04, 2005

Things I'd Rather Do.........

Than float at a speed of 17,000MPH in space having to fix the space shuttle, hoping not to burn up on the way home. I feel so bad for these shuttle astronauts. They have to fix the shuttle with homemade tools. Can't NASA get this right? Here are things I'd rather do than float in space fixing a shuttle with a homemade hacksaw:

*Swim open mouthed in a kiddie pool after a bunch of 8 year olds pissed in it.
*Wake up next to Star Jones naked, telling me what a tiger I was last night.
*Watch Roseann Barr take a shit after a Taco Bell binge.
*Suck the farts out of a subway seat.
*Watch another episode of "Being Bobby Brown"
*Tie my balls to a sports car and have it go 0-60 in under 5 seconds

What would you rather do then have to float in space, praying you fixed the shuttle correctly so you don't burn up?


Anonymous said...

WOw Star Jones!! You are brave! Did you see Bush talking to the astronauts? What a DIP!

PS The answer to your question is Stony Brook.

Anonymous said...

WOw Star Jones!! You are brave! Did you see Bush talking to the astronauts? What a DIP!

PS The answer to your question is Stony Brook.

Anonymous said...

WOw Star Jones!! You are brave! Did you see Bush talking to the astronauts? What a DIP!

PS The answer to your question is Stony Brook.

Anonymous said...

WOw Star Jones!! You are brave! Did you see Bush talking to the astronauts? What a DIP!

PS The answer to your question is Stony Brook.

Anonymous said...

WOw Star Jones!! You are brave! Did you see Bush talking to the astronauts? What a DIP!

PS The answer to your question is Stony Brook.

Anonymous said...

WOw Star Jones!! You are brave! Did you see Bush talking to the astronauts? What a DIP!

PS The answer to your question is Stony Brook.

Molly said...

Umm yeah I really think I would rather just go ahead and fix the space shuttle. At least I could be eating astronaut ice cream, yum!

Miss_Vicki said...

I'll take my chances floating and fixing, thank you very much. They should have brought Bob Vila along just in case ;)

Danielle said...

OMG, I'd rather have my eyes clawed out!!! holy shit that was funny!!! Love your blog, awesome post.

Marie said...

LOL! I'm still reeling from YOUR answers. They made me gag. ;)

Heather said...

"Being Bobby Brown" huh?

Did you catch the episode where they went to the racetrack while Whitney was at the spa???

I'm almost famous...that's where I work, People. HAHHAHAHAHAH!

kcterrilynn said...

Yowza! Now I need a 55 gallon drum of bleach to scour my brain with...

Steph said...

LOL, that was so funny. I don't think I could beat yours.

Anonymous said...

Yeah that Bobby Brown show is pretty awful. I watched about five minutes of it before they grossed me out and I had to change the channel. Poor Whitney. She's gotten so trashy. LOL.

Anonymous said...

I'd rather do anything having to do with being in the presence of a legless ethiopian.

supplymadam said...

LOL! That's some nasty shit. If you catch the last train from Penn there should be plenty of empty seats.
I'd rather be Dawn.

Vixen said...

I think I would just float around in space and make them send the russians to get me. They seem to have their space program on a better track than we do. At least their shuttles don't burn up. Scarey! *shudder*

Debi said...

OK Charlie can I just be there to take the pic of you waking up naked next to Star Jones?

1. That would be blog worthy
2. I wanna see you I mean yeah um I have to go now..

Marie said...

I love Debi's comment! LOL
Yes, please do blog about that (with pics) if that happens, Charlie. ;)

Fred said...

I'd rather buy every Britney Spears record, and listen to them over and over and over and over....

Fred said...

Did I just say record? (I think I gave away my advanced age.)

Make that CD.