What's wrong with the Democratic Party? The party of FDR, Truman, Kennedy, and Clinton? I've never voted for any other party, but this November, for the first time, I am not voting at all.
With the news of Obama's VP selection today...it is confirmation for me that this party has NO BALLS whatsoever. Joe Biden is the Democrat's version of John McCain. Obama picked him because he (Obama) knows diddly dick about foreign affairs and Biden is the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee in the U.S. Senate. So for Obama, this was a safe choice so the Republicans could not attack his ticket saying they are weak on foreign affairs or defense. Maybe that is the case, but Obama is not at all what he claims to be...a man of change and vision. He is just another pussy Democrat pandering to the center and afraid to go after the party's base. It is like Democrats are afraid to be Democrats now...everything is geared to appeal to the "center".
Question, did Bush, Cheney, and Rove appeal to the center in 2004???? NO! They went after their base and made fools of Kerry and Edwards. Only the Democrats could lose that one in 2004. A faltering economy, an unpopular war, a sitting president who evaded service in Vietnam and turned the tables on a war hero (Kerry) and made him look like the pussy. It is happening all over again.
Now Obama says he is open to offshore drilling. This is a Democratic Stance? He said last Sunday that his definition of marriage is between a man and a woman. This is a truly Democratic stance? Early in the campaign he talked about diplomacy and that he would meet with leaders of state sponsored terrorism, now he has backtracked on that stance. Obama changed positions on the D.C handgun ban. He know says "It looks to me that the D.C. handgun ban overshot the runway. That it went beyond constitutional limits." That is a Democrat talking? He also ran his primary campaign saying he would withdraw troops on the ground in Iraq immediately....now he says he will refine his policy and speak to leaders on the ground. What a joke.
Pelosi, Obama, and the rest of the Democrats talk a big game and do nothing. They are too worried about looking liberal and being labeled liberal to do what's right for the country. So when McCain wins in the fall, they will have nobody to blame but themselves. The Democrats won't be able to blame dangling chads in Florida or voter inconsistensies in Ohio this time around. They will have to take a good, hard look at themselves.
In the last eight years, we've had scandal after scandal, miscue after miscue, we were attacked on Bush's watch, started a war with a country that didn't attack us...and lost 5,000 troops in the process, an economy that has tanked, the worst handled natural disaster in history, I could go on and on. Obama has a double digit point lead in the polls right???? NOPE.....try a 2 digit lead in some polls, dead even in others. Something is wrong here!!!!!!